Falls, and injuries from falls, are common among older adults and they pose a serious concern for resident care facilities. Falls resulting in injury cause physical pain and stress to elderly patients and take a toll on their quality of life. Even if a fall doesn't result in an injury, it can cause a lingering fear and an economic burden to your medical facility.

A complete fall prevention program is essential for long-term care and resident care facilities, and should consider the patient's level of independence and mobility. Monitoring equipment and systems are key in making residents and their families feel safer and improving caretaker responses.

Patient Monitoring

Central Monitoring Stations

Central monitoring stations allow you keep an eye on multiple residents. In-room sensors send information to the nurses' station or other area where healthcare professionals can see real-time patient information. This type of monitoring allows for quick responses should a resident need immediate assistance. Shop Central Monitoring Stations

Motion Sensors & Alarms

Pull-String Monitors

Pull-string monitors attach to a bed, or a chair and have a cord that clips onto residents' clothing. When residents get up unsupervised, the pull-string detaches and caregivers are alerted immediately so they can then assist as needed and help prevent falls. Pull-string sensors and monitors can be used on chairs, wheelchairs, and beds. Shop Pull-String Monitors

Sensor Pads & Monitors

Sensor pads and monitors are a simple and effective way to alert you that a patient is on the move. The sensor pads are soft and comfortable and go under patients resting in bed or in a chair. It will detect when pressure or weight is shifted and sound an alarm allowing caregivers to react immediately. Shop Sensor Pads and Monitors

Fall Protection

Hip Protectors

For patients who are more active, and at risk for hip fractures, hip shields or hip protectors, can be worn under clothing for extra protection. The extra padding helps residents feel more secure and confident while protecting against possible fractures. Protective foam pads are sewn into the garment with perforations that allow the skin to breathe. Made from cotton/spandex blend, it will not shift or bunch. Shop Hip Protectors

Floor Mats

Bedside floor mats with non-skid and anti-slip texture can help residents who may be prone to falling. Also, thicker foam mats carefully placed can help absorb impact should a fall occur. Shop Floor Mats