New Crib Legislation

The new crib law took effect on December 28, 2012. Is your facility compliant?

The law requires hotels, motels, and other places of public accommodation, including child care facilities or child care homes, to provide baby cribs (full-size and non full-size) that comply with the new federal safety standards set by the
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

To Comply:

  • Replace all non-complaint cribs at your facility
  • You may need to replace the cribs if the manufacturer date printed on your cribs is prior to June 28, 2011 or if you purchased your cribs prior to June 28, 2011-those cribs may not meet new federal safety standards. To learn more about the federal safety standards visit the CPSC website.

  • Discard non-compliant cribs
  • It is illegal to resell, donate or give away non-compliant cribs. Disassemble and discard old cribs to help prevent crib-related deaths.

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Notice: This information is only a summary of the CPSC's direct final rule to the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). It is for general reference ONLY. For specific compliance requirements and updates, please refer to the actual code language from CPSC or consult legal counsel.