June 2014

Part Relationships

Product detail pages now display related parts (for select products) expanding shopping choices. When applicable, you will see products related to an item in some or all of these categories:

  • Accessories: Add-on products, such as an extension wand for a pressure washer.
  • Alternate Parts: More product choices that include Signature Brands, ideallygreen, and generic options.
  • Collections: Parts within the same brand that match design, such as a Seasons faucet with a coordinating Seasons towel bar.
  • Related Parts: Items that compliment, such as paint brushes, rollers, or trays.
  • Repair Parts: Parts used in the maintenance or repair, such as a faucet stem or aerator for a faucet.
Repair Parts

This enhancement will help make it easier and faster to find the parts you may need for common maintenance and repair jobs.