Safety is a top concern for apartment residents. More than 57% of respondents to an survey said neighborhood crime rates influence where they choose to live.
We offer some simple and affordable ways to improve security for your property and help residents feel safe and comfortable.
Improve apartment safety with reinforced entries. Door jamb reinforcement kits provide a layer of steel along the door frame that can prevent someone from kicking it in. Adding a simple door chain lock or door slide lock gives residents a safe way to communicate without having to completely open the front door. Installing slide bolt locks on doors and windows offer extra peace of mind.
Doors with good, strong deadbolts can help prevent break-ins. Remember to always rekey deadbolts if keys are ever lost and always for new tenants. Entry doors with door viewers or peepholes offer another layer of security as residents can judge solicitors, salesmen, or visitors before unlocking their doors.
Installing safety signs around your property isn't just good business. In many states, it's also the law. Help protect residents and avoid costly fines and lawsuits by having the proper safety signs posted in the right areas. Post safety rules at your pool and playground. Install traffic & speed limit signs in your parking lots. Add exit signs and fire extinguisher signs to offices and stairways.
Security lighting is essential around carports, stairwells, and walkways. If your property has an alleyway, recreation room, patio, or other common areas, these should also be well lit. Regularly check for burned out bulbs and consider the benefits of LED lighting for your property's security lighting. LED bulbs don't burn out, but fade over time.
Video security systems for multifamily apartment communities can help keep both residents and staff safe. The presence of cameras on your property deters break-ins, vandalism, and other crimes from happening.