Volunteer Spotlights

Community Affairs Volunteer Spotlights

Oma Croft

What’s your motivation in volunteering for community service?
My motivation for volunteering is knowing I’m giving back to others.  It’s like a shot of endorphins.  My spirits are lifted, and I feel that’s I’ve accomplished something good!  Whether it’s for children, animals, senior citizens, or other HDS Associates.

Do you have a favorite volunteer service project?
I have several favorite volunteer projects!  First and foremost is helping children.  Whether that’s through St Jude Children’s Research Hospital or reading to kids in school.  Children hold the future of our world in their hands.  I want to do all I possibly can to help them be healthy, happy, and ready for the future! 

I also greatly enjoy volunteering at my local animal shelter.  There are so many unfortunate situations that end up with pets being placed in shelters.  If I can bring just a bit of happiness to a pet that is locked in a shelter cage, that in turn makes me feel that I’ve made a difference.  “Adopt! Don’t shop!”

Encourage other associates to volunteer in your own words.
I encourage everyone to look for opportunities to volunteer!  Whether it’s an event hosted by the HD Supply Heart ARG or in your local community.  Someone out there needs your help and would be very grateful for whatever time you’re able to give.  It will lift your spirits as it does mine.  And make you feel that you’ve done something good for someone else! 

Volunteer Spotlight - Oma Croft

Michael Deese

What’s your motivation in volunteering for community service?
I live by the phrase "to whom much is given, much will be required." Giving back to my community and volunteering is a way that I can help fulfill this to help others. Also, the feeling that you get after you help people is one of the greatest highs that you can achieve. 

Do you have a favorite volunteer service project?
I volunteer a lot at my church. There are so many needs to be met from helping with our annual "Caring Christmas" where we fund raise, shop and deliver Christmas gifts for underprivileged families, to helping each week with the ministry through working with the audio/visual components at the church. 

Encourage other associates to volunteer in your own words.
Put your heart and work into giving back to others. By doing so, you will find that the impact is often far greater than the effort that it required to accomplish the task. 

Volunteer Spotlight - Michael Deese

Tara Fox

What’s your motivation in volunteering for community service?
Volunteering gives me a sense of purpose larger than what I contribute toward in my day to day living with work and home life – it is a life balance that brings enrichment to others beyond self.

Do you have a favorite volunteer service project?  
My favorite volunteer events are those where I teach as well as learn from others – I was a volunteer girl scout leader for several years as well as a volunteer art teacher at a facility for the intellectually challenged – I learned so much from those experiences, beyond what I taught.   I also enjoy working with animals since it can also be therapeutic – I used to train dogs for handicap assistance program and now my daughter and I volunteer at a local animal rescue facility where we acclimate cats to human interaction in order for them to move into the adoption center and find their forever home. 

Encourage other associates to volunteer in your own words. 
Volunteering widens your perspective on the challenges that may face others; by committing to just a few hours of service at a volunteer event, you can help toward alleviating some of those challenges for those who most need your support.

Volunteer Spotlight - Tara Fox

Helena Jackson

What’s your motivation in volunteering for community service?
Shirley Chisolm said it best, “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on earth.”  There is a sense of fulfillment when you can leave something a little better than it was! I have always been of the mindset that we are blessed to be a blessing and it’s the least we can do for others!

Do you have a favorite volunteer service project?
It’s hard to pick one but I’ve been a part of several Habitat for Humanity builds and as a mother, it warms my heard to know that I assisted in providing a safe place for a family to call home!

Encourage other associates to volunteer in your own words.
Every action counts, no matter how big or small! Your act of service could mean the world for someone else!

Volunteer Spotlight - Helena Jackson